nterms=200000000 nthreads=1 Main: now waiting for the threads... Thread thread #1: a=1 b=200000001 Thread thread #1 sumab = 19.69104359191438 Main: total sum = 19.69104359191438 nterms=200000000 nthreads=2 Main: now waiting for the threads... Thread thread #2: a=100000001 b=200000001 Thread thread #1: a=1 b=100000001 Thread thread #1 sumab = 18.997896413852555 Thread thread #2 sumab = 0.6931471780597414 Main: total sum = 19.691043591912297 nterms=200000000 nthreads=3 Main: now waiting for the threads... Thread thread #1: a=1 b=66666667 Thread thread #3: a=133333334 b=200000001 Thread thread #2: a=66666667 b=133333334 Thread thread #1 sumab = 18.592431298243728 Thread thread #3 sumab = 0.4054651093581387 Thread thread #2 sumab = 0.6931471843101611 Main: total sum = 19.691043591912027 nterms=200000000 nthreads=4 Main: now waiting for the threads... Thread thread #2: a=50000001 b=100000001 Thread thread #1: a=1 b=50000001 Thread thread #3: a=100000001 b=150000001 Thread thread #4: a=150000001 b=200000001 Thread thread #1 sumab = 18.304749238293297 Thread thread #4 sumab = 0.28768207161854936 Thread thread #3 sumab = 0.4054651064414258 Thread thread #2 sumab = 0.6931471755597137 Main: total sum = 19.691043591912983 harm: start: summing from 1 to 200000001 harm: finish: sum from 1 to 200000001 = 19.691 main: harmonic sum from 1 to 200000000 = 19.691 harm: start: summing from 1 to 100000001 harm: start: summing from 100000001 to 200000001 harm: finish: sum from 100000001 to 200000001 = 0.693147 harm: finish: sum from 1 to 100000001 = 18.9979 main: harmonic sum from 1 to 200000000 = 19.691 harm: start: summing from 1 to 66666667 harm: start: summing from 66666667 to 133333333 harm: start: summing from 133333333 to 199999999 harm: finish: sum from 1 to 66666667 = 18.5924 harm: finish: sum from 133333333 to 199999999 = 0.405465 harm: finish: sum from 66666667 to 133333333 = 0.693147 main: harmonic sum from 1 to 200000000 = 19.691 harm: start: summing from 1 to 50000001 harm: start: summing from 50000001 to 100000001 harm: start: summing from 150000001 to 200000001 harm: start: summing from 100000001 to 150000001 harm: finish: sum from 1 to 50000001 = 18.3047 harm: finish: sum from 150000001 to 200000001 = 0.287682 harm: finish: sum from 50000001 to 100000001 = 0.693147 harm: finish: sum from 100000001 to 150000001 = 0.405465 main: harmonic sum from 1 to 200000000 = 19.691