Calculate (using System.Math class) √2, 21/5, eπ, πe.
Check that the results are correct, something like
double sqrt2=Sqrt(2.0); Write($"sqrt2^2 = {sqrt2*sqrt2} (should equal 2)\n");
Using the following Stirling approximation for the gamma-function Γ(x),
public static double fgamma(double x){ ///single precision gamma function (formula from Wikipedia) if(x<0)return PI/Sin(PI*x)/fgamma(1-x); // Euler's reflection formula if(x<9)return fgamma(x+1)/x; // Recurrence relation double lnfgamma=x*Log(x+1/(12*x-1/x/10))-x+Log(2*PI/x)/2; return Exp(lnfgamma); }calculate Γ(1), Γ(2), Γ(3), …, Γ(10). Check that the results are correct (within single precision: about 6 decimal digits).
You should put your gamma function in a static class "sfuns" (special functions) in a file "sfuns.cs", compile it separately into a library, and then link to your Main function.
The gamma-function overflows very easily, so the logarithm
of the gamma function, lngamma
, is often a more useful
function. Figure out how to modify the above formula to calculate
. For simplicity you should only allow positive
arguments for your lngamma
if(x <= 0) return double.NaN; if(x < 9) return lngamma(x+1) - Log(x);
Out.txt: main.exe mono main.exe > Out.txt
sfuns.dll : sfuns.cs mcs -target:library -out:sfuns.dll sfuns.cs
main.exe : main.cs sfuns.dll mcs -target:exe -out:main.exe -reference:sfuns.dll main.cs