← practical programming
Exercise "Wiki"
- Publish the link to your repository at our Wiki page.
- Make sure you have all prerequisites:
- Find a photo of your face (from your Facebook, for example) about
200x200 pixels in the GIF, JPEG, or PNG format.
- Figure out the type of your POSIX system (Ubuntu, Termux, WSL, MacOS,
Ubuntu in virtual box, ...).
- Figure out the browsable link to your repository; check that it works.
- Figure out the command to publicly clone your repository; check that
is works without any passwords or whatever.
- Go to our
dokuwiki page[→].
- Click on "Media Manager" at the upper-right corner of the start page
and upload your image to the "wiki" directory.
- Click on the "Edit this page" item in the pop-up menu at the right
side of the start page and add a row to our table with your picture,
name, system, link to your repository, and command to clone your
repository. Simply copy/paste my row and change the entries accordingly.
- Click on the "Save" button at the bottom of the edit page.